Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mixed Emotions

I received a very awesome message today in my facebook messages!  Thank you so much...you know who you are! :)  It's a simple message like this...or like the one a certain someone left as a comment to my last post...that makes you really think about things!  You both really gave me a good smile!

I know that there are many people that have it far worse than I do...I am not oblivious to that fact. I just don't understand why we go down paths we do sometimes.  Why am I in graduate school for biology?  I don't really have an ounce of desire to do any type of research...but I have yet to figure out what I can do with this degree. Why didn't I go into business?  I want to work in sports...that would have been the smartest of ideas!  And it only took me 3 semesters of school to figure that out?  What the hell was I thinking?  I have no clue where this path is going to lead me...and where I'm going to end up come May.  I hope I don't offend anyone...but I don't believe in a higher being...so I can't say well so and so will get me through this and take me where I need to go.  My path is my choice...no one picks it for me.  But how do we know whether or not it's the right path?  What if it's the wrong one?  Then what do we do?!

Today was a rough day for me in general.  I am not good at coping with stressful situations...I don't hide my frustration well...and surprisingly I don't think I work well with others.  Which this is something I thought I used to be extremely good at.  Funny how things change!  And I don't enjoy living alone!!!  ahh!

One a side note...I surpassed my 1000 lunge mark on my quest for 10,000.  I feel very accomplished in this...because I woke up today and was actually able to move!  Whereas, all last week, I felt like someone put rocks in my leg muscles!  Feeling good and strong today...lunges will commence for the day around 10:00 today so we'll see how good I really feel then.  However, unexpected commitments came up today so I didn't get a run in and I am not happy about this.  I was lazy this morning after my two hour tutoring session and went back to sleep...get out bed you lazy ass!  I'll make up for it tomorrow with a kick ass treadmill workout.  If anything, I will do my best to keep running and working out...because at the end of the day, I feel far more accomplished when I have done either of those two things.

Considering...starting a workout blog...where I just put up different workouts that I do, and offer advice to anyone who may want it.  even though I am not a professional...I do enjoy it! We'll see...I'm kind of swamped right now with school and work...so maybe that will have to wait! :)

Again, thank you so much to the two of you that offered such sound advice....it really meant the world to me! :)  And I hope you keep reading!!!

Have a terrific Tuesday! :)  And a Wonderful Wednesday! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm still thinking about what I want to be "when I grow up" and I'm about to turn 33 on Friday! I've been in school on and off over the years and I've changed my major three friggin times. Now I want to be something totally different.

    At some point I think it might just be best to choose something and stick with it. Might as well see your way through for the time being. Afterall, you have your whole life to return to school if your really passionate about something else.

    I'm going to one of those 40 yr olds returning to school. Lol.

    On another note, I need to get my fitness act in order. Dave is doing this 'Convict Conditioning' program and Kettlebell workout throughout the week. I need to join in. Keep up the lunges!!!
