Friday, May 18, 2012

there's no better time...

this title could apply to a few things going on right now...

1. TO MOVE HOME. my softball coaching career is winding down...only about 30 days more left. but the best part of that gig has already gone...coaching the girls. they are all home for break now, so it's recruiting time. of which i did not partake in last just summer break for me! while that's all fine and dandy...the girls are the best part of that job. and i will miss them terribly. certain ones that is! i suppose it's good i took this opportunity to coach at this i have decided that coaching softball is no longer a passion of mine. i think i might actually never want to be around it again. that's a shame! but that's why we try things out!

2. TO POST A BLOG! megan held a fundraiser tonight for our relay for life team at mom and dads. had a few glasses of of course there is no better time than now to post a blog! a little wine to take the edge can probably lead to an interesting blog! we will see! :)

3. TO MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. i feel like right now there is nothing i want more than to get a job with the military teaching at a base in europe somewhere. how could i not want this?! i don't have to pay to get there. i don't have anything holding me to the states. no ring on the man to stay in town for. hmm...europe is sounding ridiculously good right about now!

4. TO LEARN TO SAY NO. the hardest part about being home is the temptation to eat shit that i don't want to eat! living in the apartment and feeding myself was extra money spent on stuff i won't eat or stuff i don't need to eat. but now...candy is readily cream is readily available. i have to learn a whole new level of self control. do i really want to lose another 10 pounds to compete in bodybuilding? yes i want to do it. will it be ridiculously hard to get through the next 3 months? yes! harder to count calories here...we'll see how the next 3 months go in terms of that!

while grad school phase has ended...i have no idea where i go next. i want a job that i have no clue if i'll even qualify for! i keep my fingers crossed for italy....wouldn't it be something to live in italy for a year or two?! oh i can only imagine!!!!

i am independent...and will be for awhile...this is the perfect time to figure out what i want to do and do it. however, that also requires money on most occasions, so i must find something that allows me to make money while doing something new and exciting. maybe then...he'll realize wellington and i aren't soulmates. after being here for a few days...i realize there isn't a lot here that i miss terribly. yes i love seeing my family...but regularly, it's nothing i can't get somewhere else.

wellington....i am officially breaking up with you. something better is going to come along very soon...and i will take it! :)  so long!

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