Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2012!  I am excited for this upcoming year...I think there will definitely be lots of good things to come! :)  I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but Christmas was wonderful and I have had an exceptional break visiting with family and spending tons of time with Aaron!

My New Year was equally fantastic...good company as always!  So now it's resolution time.  I have a couple and feel like I could probably actually write upwards of 10!  But I don't want to put too much on my plate to try and change for 2012! So let's begin:
     1.  Cut my sugar intake!  When I make the trip back to Wellington, I go nuts on candy...mainly because it's readily available at mom and dad's.  Far too available!  I don't want to try and deprive myself of something entirely, but rather keep my hand out of the candy jar every waking moment when in town.  I don't buy it when I'm at school (minus Handel's ice cream...which I am extremely disciplined at surprisingly) so this is really a resolution that pertains to Wellington! :)
      2.  Workout 4-6 times a week.  I don't need to do a ton every day, but I need to do something!  This is pretty self-explanatory! :)
      3.  Lose body fat.  Starting January 3rd, I am going to begin keeping a food journal and I'm going to work on getting a very sensible and smart diet in place.  I know this will not happen overnight, and will be tough at first as I am on a strictly limited budget in terms of food.  But it is possible.  (I don't know my percentage now, but I will work on finding that out and then would like to lose around 5%)
     4.  Run a marathon!  I will do this at some point in 2012 I hope!!!  Considering the Cleveland half in May to use as my halfway marker, but we'll see! :)
    5.  Procrastinate less!  I often times find myself procrastinating on my school work and now that I'm in my last semester (hopefully for a very long time!) I would like to really work on not doing it so much!  I have to write a paper (20 pages) and I hope to have a majority of that finished by the time April rolls around!
   6.  Blog more...and add more pictures!!!  I enjoy the release of writing it down, and now I just need to be better about taking pictures of what's going on and then uploading them! :)

Please share with me your resolutions...I always love to hear what people want to work towards in the next year!  I wish everyone a wonderful 2012 and hope to hear from you all! :)

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